First Birthday Pictures | Knoxville Photographers | Child Photographer | Ziva

Knoxville First Birthday Pictures


Meet Ziva, a very spunky, and smiley baby girl who just turned one! Sweet girl kept us on our toes during her first birthday photo session in Knoxville; I loved it! Her Mommy and Daddy were great at getting smiles, and such good sports about being silly to get those precious smiles. 

Rustic Barn Backdrop

For our first stop, we used a rustic, barn type of building for a lovely backdrop. Of course it was nothing in comparison to this little girl's smile! She's such a little star. 

Knoxville Flower Garden

The beautiful gardens in Knoxville are the perfect spot for photos! Miss Ziva loved touching the flowers and feeling the grass. The greenery and flowers were a great addition to her first birthday photos. 

Fairytale Knoxville Location

The last spot we used for Ziva's pictures looks like something right our of a fairytale! The mossy steps and trailing ivy just screams storybook to me. It's perfect for all types of sessions, and I love the magic it added to this cuties images.